Social Inclusion

Inclusive development

Mainstreaming disability in development
The discrimination and marginalisation of people living with disabilities in some societies often maintains them in a cycle of poverty.  Mainstreaming disability as a cross-cutting issue in development programmes is therefore essential if interventions are to equitably benefit all.

Therefore I always encourage course participants and project stakeholders, to consider the most appropriate measures to mainstream in their project proposals the inclusion of people living with disabilities ,  and also other marginalised groups such as the aged. 

Inclusive education
Inclusive education is a first step to ensuring that the next generation will not be dis-benefitted.  Support for parents who experience stigma because they have disabled children is also vital. Underpinning this, awareness-raising it is necessary to:

  • overcome negative cultural attitudes
  • mobilise communities to challenge governments to implement new or existing inclusion policies
  • encourage employers and banks to provide jobs and/or funding for income-generation to people living with disabilities

The links between disability and poverty are extensively explored in a book: ‘Poverty and Disability’, edited by Tanya Barron and Jabulani Manombe Ncube, published 2010 by Leonard Cheshire Disability.

"Go into any impoverished urban slum area or walk into any poor rural village and ask the people who live there 'who is the poorest person in your community' you will more than likely be directed to a disabled person."
Professor Nora Ellen Groce, 'Poverty and Disability' preview.
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